
Montmontaža-Oprema Ltd. is a company specialized for mechanical assembly work on metal constructions, vessels and process equipment, which also includes all associated pipelines.

Our know-how and experience in pipeline design & installation result in cost reduction of co-ordination and adaptation activities of pipeline systems and increase in the functionality of industrial plants.

We perform procurement, prefabrication, assembly, testing and commissioning of pipelines for most demanding and complex projects, including specific applications in the oil, gas, petrochemical and energy fields.


Belupo JSC.

BELUPO JSC. – construction of steam pipeline (DN 200) at „Belupo“ pharmaceutical facility in Koprivnica city.

Dubrava (en)

HEP-TOPLINARSTVO Ltd. - Construction of hot water pipeline for „Južna Dubrava“ thermal power plant in Zagreb; Section 3, phase 3 (DN 500/670, route length = 790 m).

Radnička - Slavonska (en)

GNP TERMOMONT Ltd. - Construction of hot water (2 x DN700/900, l=1079 m) and steam pipelines (DN 600, l=540 m) from Radnička street to the Slavonska Avenue in Zagreb.

Stančićeva (en)

HEP-TOPLINARSTVO Ltd. – Replacement of hot water pipeline (DN 250) in Stančićeva street in Zagreb.

Vojak (en)

ENERGO Ltd. - Repairs on the hot water pipeline in “Vojak” district of Rijeka city (DN50 - DN150)